Friday, November 7, 2008

The kids and I took our annual trip to Fitzler's pumpkin patch and corn maze! Lets just say it was quite the adventure! We started out by picking our very favorite pumpkins, which as you can see the girls had alot of favorite pumpkins (we only ended up with two of those).

Then we moved to the giant sandbox filled with corn. The kids love playing in it and burying eachother. I always find corn in their pockets and shoes and drakes diaper when we get home!

Our last few stops encluded petting a pony and then the ever so exciting barrel train ride which my kids adore! We load all the kids up in this train and then Drake and I ride along with my brother and his 1 year old and Emily and their 3 month old. The train ride was awful. It was freezing the wind was blowing dirt in our mouth and eyes the kids were crying and then to top it all off the driver dumps me and Drake out of the train and then proceeds to drag us just a little bit. Yes, I know only I would fall out of a barrell train, but in the end I may have had an enormous bruise on my butt and a bloody knee (Drake was safe), but we got a lifetime V.I.P pass and everything that day ended up being free. So Drake and I took one for the team!

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