Sunday, September 14, 2008

Christen Family

Visiting Great Grandma Christen!

Kaydra has always had a special place in her heart for the elderly. She calls every elderly person a Grandma. She just loved on my Grandma the whole time we were there (which my Grandma loved) and on her way out of the nursing home she was handing out flowers she picked to all the grandmas. It was really cute.

These are my two cute pregnant cousins. They had a double baby shower this week, so we got to go visit!! My Aunt Mary has waited 20 years for this moment to be a Grandma! Congrats!

Little Maddie can't wait to be a mommy.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

I just found your blog on Cee Cee's. I did not know you had one. Long time no see. We need to get together again soon, and try talking Cee Cee into hip hop, cuz I'm game!