Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!!

My little princess turned 4 on the 29th! Brooklyn you are such a sweetheart! Everyone loves you, and thinks you are so beautiful. You have always been so easy going, you can play with anyone, but you also just love playing by yourself, however, sweet you maybe but that doesn't mean you don't have one of the loudest voices in the world and your scream sweetheart could win an award of some kind. I love you so much!!

Brooklyn's top 10 favorite things

1. anything sparkly

2. dresses/skirts

3. jewelry

4. makeup

5. playing barbies

6. coloring

7. changing clothes

8. painting nails

9. gum

10. dancing and listening to music

This year Brooklyn invited all of her little friends for a tea party!! It was soooo cute. We went to a place called Victoria's Tiny Tea Room. We walked in and they gave Brooklyn a tiarra and a wand and they had this beautiful table all set up, but before they sat down for tea they got to go and get all dressed up in hats and jewelry and dresses, then they got to go and get their nails painted.

trying on hats

and more hats

After they had finished getting ready it was off to get their nails done!

After they were completely beautified, we sat down and had the cutest tea party.


m said...

LOVE you Bookalyn! Those are such awesome pictures! Looks like Grandma Bonnie and mama had a lot of fun too!

Stephanie said...

I miss you guys soooooooo much!!! I wish I could have been there!