Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaydra!
I can't believe my baby is 6 years old. Kaydra you are such a beautiful girl both inside and out! You are so smart and kind to everyone you meet! You are always trying to please us, and you have been such a big helper and example to your sister and brothers. I love you.

Kaydra's top 10 favorite things
1. Friends
2. Riding bikes
3. Friends
4. Soccer
5. Friends
6. Spongebob
7. Friends
8. Her puppy
9. Friends
10. School

As you can see Kaydra loves her friends. She is such a social butterfly. She wakes up every morning asking to go to a friends house :) This year Kaydra invited all of her closest friends over for swimming and a sleepover!

They each got to make their very own ice cream sundae with their favorite toppings. Kaydra hates cake so this was really fun. The kids really enjoyed it.

The cutest thing the girls all went and got dress up clothes on and came and did a performance for Cort and I. It was of course to Hannah Montana's Hoedown, it was so cute!!!

1 comment:

m said...

Yay Kaydra! That is so awesome that you are a big 6 year old! Good luck next week with 1st grade. You'll be awesome!