Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I have so much to be thankful for! I think this year was one of the most enjoyable Thanksgivings I've had in a while. It was nice and relaxing, Corts mom and Dad and sister came and then my sister and mom and Rich came. Cort played his Turkey bowel all morning while we watched the Macey's Day Parade and cooked all day was lots of fun with all of us together. Cort entered a football tournament that morning and actually ended up winning the whole tournament which of course was the highlight of his day!
Here is a picture of our cute place settings my kids and I made the cute napkin holders with each of their hands. This was the first Thanksgiving at my house and it was alot of fun!

Drake and Grandma took a break from all the cooking :)

I am so thankful for family and all that they do for me! It is so nice to be surrounded by people who love you! I am so Thankful for my husband who works so hard to provide for us and who is such an example of spirituality. He helps us all to be better. I am so thankful for my Children and the joy that they each bring to my life. I am Thankful for my Heavenly Father and this gospel

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