Saturday, July 11, 2009

8lbs 1oz
20 3/4 in
Born May 27th

.....and then there were 6

So the story was that since Drake was so big that I was going to be induced with Deklin a week early, so my entire pregnancy I had in my head that I would have this baby on May 12th since the due date was the 19th. Well May 12th came and of course I was nowhere near ready to have the baby said my body, so May 12th went and then my due date came and went and the only thing my doctor had to say was we will not let you go later than 1 week, well to me that was 2 weeks late so 1 week later I was finally induced. I went into the hospital still showing absolutely no signs of going into labor anytime soon, so we knew this would be a long road. We got admitted into the hospital at 4:00 pm on tuesday the 26th and 12 hours later still had not made any progress, so I mentally started to break down, but after a beautiful blessing by my husband I was able to calm down and we had Deklin Bo at 11:15. Was a very long but easy labor!!

After having our sweet baby we still hadn't decided on a name. I loved the name Kyler, but Cort had a client that just named their baby that, so in order to not feel like a name stealer he wanted to spell it with a Q so Qyler. I hated it, but he didn't want it Kyler, so while sitting with our nurse in the hospital having this argument, we asked the nurse if she had any ideas and she said her favorite name was Deklin which is Irish meaning full of goodness. We loved it, so it's true the nurse named our sweet baby.


We had a nice stay at the hospital, but we were ready to see the other kiddos!!

The kids were so excited and just wanted to hold him it was very sweet!

We kept finding Brooklyn snuggling up with him and falling asleep!!


The Picketts said...

Congratulations on a beautiful new baby boy! I LOVE the name! He is just so precious! And I must say that May babies are the best! (Since I have two of them myself!) Congrats again!

Every Star Is Different said...

How adorable!

m said...

I love that baby so much! I just want to kiss him 100 times.

Josh and Beth said...

Congrats on the baby he is absolutely ADORABLE! You can check out Kyler Urich (the inspiration behind your first name for Deklin) at!