Sunday, May 3, 2009

New York City
Almost a year ago Cort won a trip to New York through his company Axa Equitable. I was so excited because I had never been even close to the east coast before. Usually the trips are beginning of April end of March, but of course this year it was the end of April, 3 weeks before I was due. After talking with the airlines and my doctor Cort and I were off to New York.

The Best Part of New York....

The History There is amazing and all the sites.

The Worst Part of New York....

The crazy cab drivers!

The first day we got there we had a cab driver charge us way too much to get where we needed to go and I was seriously frightened for my life the entire time I was in the smelly, swine flu infested cab. The first two nights were not paid for by the company because we chose to extend our trip a little longer so we stayed somewhere cheaper, I kid you not I have never seen a smaller hotel in my life :)

Two people really could not walk side by side down the hallway and what you see in the second picture is all there is, that was the entire room. It was so funny.

But after all that, we were finally where we wanted to be

We had such a good time, yeah my ankles were 3 times their size for most of the trip, but it was worth it. We went and saw 3 broadway shows (Lion King, In the Heights and Chicago), we went to a couple comedy clubs, which were very fun, and we got to be on the David Letterman Show.

Cort and I had alot of firsts that happened in New York.....

First time for Tai food and Sushi.

First time on the subway, a very cheap and fast way to get around even if it does smell like urine. Beats taking the cab!

First time seeing a 50 year old woman dressed as wonder woman and the famous Naked Cowboy (sorry about the random people in the picture, I just had to take a picture of him because apparently this man makes like 200,000 dollars a year).

Cort and his Axa buddies insisted that they play basketball in Harlem. If any of you know my husband, you know that not many people like him while playing sports, so you can imagine how nervous I was. It turned out fine only a few battle wounds!

We really did have a good time, kinda sad it's over. We ended our trip with a tour around the city which took us to Ground Zero, Empire State building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Madison Square Garden and just showed us all the history there in New York. It was a great way to end the trip.

Beautiful Central Park. It really was an escape from the overwhelming city.


Shannon said...

Oh memories!!! I love New York and want to go back again with Ryan! So please tell Ryan how great it is.

Berns and Shea said...

wait...youre pregnant again!!!???
I really need to talk to you more often. whats your number lady--i need to call you---its been too long!

m said...

Awesome! You forgot the part where you went into labor on the airplane and gave birth flying over Kansas. Oh wait, that didn't happen.
What did you think of Ground Zero? Pretty interesting huh. love m

Cee Cee said...

So fun you guys! Glad you got to squeeze this trip in before your next big "trip" begins with baby #4!!!

Diane said...

I love NY. I am glad you had a great trip. Sounds like you covered it all.

Every Star Is Different said...

Hello! It's Renae Lashomb Eddy, if you can't tell from the picture. I found your blog through Natalie Prestwich/Maryam Moore. You look absolutely fabulous! I can't believe how beautiful your family is. I wish I would have known you were in NY. That's where I live now with my family. You can check us out at I'm so excited to be in touch again! Congrats on having a 4th soon! I can't believe so much time has passed. Hope to hear from you!

The Waltz's said...

I was peeing my pants watching your random video. Between Corts flipping the camera back and forth and you nagging him to stop recording, plus the teeny elevator, and your mafia cab-man. Ha ha. :) I love the pics! I'll get mine up someday...

Alanna said...

What great pictures and it sounds like, for the most part, you all had an excellent trip.