Sunday, March 15, 2009

We went on an Adventure....

We have made it a tradition that Friday is our family fun day.
After our day of fun we end by always ordering pizza and having
a movie night. We all look forward to having daddy home early
and doing something fun. This last friday we took the kids on a
hike on the Poudre trail in Ft. Collins. It was so fun! I was actually
worried how the kids would do, but they loved it. Brooklyn, my
princess, is actually who I worried about and she was the one who
enjoyed it the most. She cried when we turned around not realizing
we had to walk that whole distance back. The best part was when
it came to having to go to the bathroom. Kaydra refused, but before
I could ask Brooklyn she had her pants around her ankles ready to
go. I couldn't stop laughing, she thought it was great.

The Trail was so cool. It had little streams to cross and bridges to walk over. The girls collected everything in their pockets from rocks to pinecones. they even each found a walking stick that Kaydra found very useful in crossing the streams.Drake sat quietly in the backpack just taking everything in. I know he actually sat quietly. He never made a peep!


Brenda said...

When did Kaydra get so tall?? Looks like you had a lot of fun!

m said...

Awesome Amber! That looks like so much fun. loves, m