Friday, September 5, 2008

Back To School!

This was Kaydra's kinda first day of school. Notice in the background that noone else is taking pictures of their kids on their first day of school. That's because the real first day of school was yesterday!! Yep, I missed my daughters first day of Kindergarten. To my defense it was not my fault. We recieved a letter stating that it was Tuesday August 18th. The teacher was suppose to clear it up. Anyway after a very caotic, tear filled first day (not from Kaydra), she absolutely loves kindergarten. Her teachers name is Mrs. Rademacher, and she is already learning lots. Kaydra says her favorite things about kindergarten are getting to eat lunch there on Mondays and writing in her journal.

I can't believe my little Brooklyn is starting preshool! I don't think she fully understood that it was her turn until we got there and she looked and me and said "for me?" She is going to the same preschool and has the same teaher that Kaydra did. Her name is Mrs. Holmes. She is amazing. My girls have really enjoyed her.

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