Saturday, August 16, 2008


Riley is the newest addition to our family!! He is big with lots of black hair which I get to vaccum up twice a day!! Kaydra for her 5th birthday wanted a dog more than anything. We tried to appease her with fish which she took care of so well that she thought that was proof enough that she is ready for a dog. I think she had a smaller dog in mind, one that she can boss around and carry wherever she wanted, but she does love Riley, even though he pulls her around. He is a really great dog that loves our kids and our kids adore him so I guess I can deal with the hair and the chewing.


Berns and Shea said... named your dog after my child?? Thats next dogs name is Kaedra

Rich said...

Hi everyone... your blog looks great! Riley get's top spot, I see. ;-)
Love, Dad XXOO's -> for everyone