Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Drake!

Thanks Great Grandma Johnson for the card and the money. I love you and miss you.

Like Father Like Son! Drake was not shy, he dove right into his birthday cake!

Happy Birthday little Drakers!! Here are Drake's top 10 favorite things!!

1. Taking Baths
2. Swimming
3. Playing with balls
4. his mama
5. screaming at his sisters to leave him alone
6. Playing outside
7. Bear walks
8. sippy cups
9. playing with his sisters
10. his daddy


Berns and Shea said...

he is so freakin cute!!! He looks just like his papa! ahh, i need to live closer to you :(

Rich said...

Great..!! Taking after your dad? Is dad still pooing in his diaper, too? What a wonderful cake face you have! ;-)
Love ya, Draker!!

Talia said...

CORTNEY!! hahah you are RE-DICK-U-LUS!!
love ya!